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Mosaic – art consisting of a design made of small pieces.


Together, we make the whole picture – no one piece is more important than another. Individual pieces, each with a beauty and identity of their own.... Not all the same, but all are connected.


Our Vision

To be open, nurturing, Christian communities of faith who welcome seekers and embrace those who are hurting by providing safe spiritual small groups.


Our Mission

To be a mosaic of communities that strengthen and encourage leaders - renewing hope in the promise of God’s love and promotes the welcome and celebration of all people as special children of God; empowering people to make a difference in the lives of others through loving relationships.

Our Intention


To provide safe space for deep spiritual conversations. We believe it’s important to define what safe space is and talk about parameters. Seeker’s Harbor groups use "Circle Principles," which are read at the start of each gathering to guide our time together.


We are intentional about affirming, celebrating, and empowering all people as children of God. Our welcome knows no boundaries of race, ethnicity, abilities, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

In The Beginning . . . 

We began to ask questions about church.


Where should we direct our focus? What really matters to God?


Which of our gazillion tasks make a difference in the world, to those whom God loves?

We began to reassess church and imagined a community where people engaged in prayer and conversation about what really matters to God. Then we focused on these things.


What would it look like if we stopped being concerned about building maintenance, music styles, accepted dress codes, board meetings,and programs? Could we focus, in prayerful community, on God’s priorities?


What would that look like?

Two seekers from our core group attended New Church Planter training to prepare for and be supportive of the individuals God would send to plant this new church. By the end of the week we realized that we were the ones that God was calling to create this new thing!

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