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Seeker's Harbor Faith Community is a network of small groups who focus on reaching out to those alienated from church, creating safe space and journeying together. We encourage, equip, and empower individuals to discover and share their unique ministry in their communities and beyond. 

105 pairs of socks and 109 items of winterwear donated
to help our unhoused neighbors! Thank you!
They could still use -

Bus passes (day), Handwarmers, Granola Bars,
Protein Shakes and Boxers (sizes medium & large)

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To join our gatherings follow the respective links






 Gathering Schedule
                    The 1st 1000 Years of Christianity                    
    5:30pm at Angela's Piazza 420 Grand Ave.
        Dinner is included & all are Welcome!
              or use Sunday zoom link above

January Gatherings - 1/12, 1/19, 1/26
February Gatherings - 2/2, 2/16,2/23

No gathering 2/9
        Thursdays - 

Join us on zoom for our series -
Confucius, Buddha, Jesus & Muhammad
    5:30 pm - use the link above

January gatherings - 1/2, 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30
February gatherings - 2/6, 2/13,/2/20, 2/27

Sunrise over Harbor

   A harbor is a place of protection, a stopping point to unload cargo, a spot to refuel. A safe place to refresh. In our communities you can refuel, reorient, restock, take on what you need.
  We support and encourage you along your path.

  •      Seeker's Harbor Faith Community is an open and affirming spiritual ministry where seekers are mutually empowered to embark on our own spiritual journeys.

  •      Gatherings are small groups of up to ten people who gather in a casual setting - homes or public spaces. We don't have a building - we believe the "church" is people! Participants share a meal and conversation around a subject or shared interest, relating to their spiritual journey. We encourage each individual to share their authentic self, their story and experiences, in this safe, welcoming environment.

  •      We encourage questions and dialogue – most people feel comfortable asking questions and participating in a small group setting. We grapple with our own theological questions in community. The experience of God in our own lives and in community is more important than the words we use to describe that experience.

  •      We're part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), but we welcome people from a wide range of theological perspectives. As Disciples of Christ, we affirm the teachings of Christ, but we don’t require everyone to accept them. We rely on testimonies, not tests of faith, and we affirm individual faith journeys.

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